Lirik Lagu dan Terjemahan ‘Like My Father’ oleh Jax, Banyak Digunakan untuk Backsound TikTok dan Instagram

- 9 Maret 2022, 16:34 WIB
Lirik dan terjemahan lagu
Lirik dan terjemahan lagu /tangkap layar YouTube/JAX

I need a man who's patient and kind
Gets out of the car and holds the door
I wanna slow dance in the living room like
We're 18 at senior prom and grow
Old with someone who makes me feel young

I need a man who loves me like
My father loves my mom

I want a road trip in the summers
I wanna make fun of each other
I wanna rock out to Billy Joel
And flip our kids off when they call us old
He'll accidentally burn our dinner
And let me be the scrabble winner
And when my body changes shapes
He'll say, "Oh my God, you look hot today"

Baca Juga: 7 Manfaat Tertawa yang Menjanjikan dan Wajib Kamu Ketahui, Salah Satunya Meningkatkan Kesehatan

I need a man who's patient and kind
Gets out of the car and holds the door
I wanna slow dance in the living room like
We're 18 at senior prom and grow
Old with someone who makes me feel young

I need a man who loves me like
My father loves my mom

And if he lives up to my father
Maybe he could teach our daughter
What it takes to love a queen
She should know she's royalty

Baca Juga: Inilah Doa Malaikat Jibril tentang Bulan Ramadhan, Simak Penjelasan Buya Yahya Berikut Ini

I need a man who's patient and kind
Gets out of the car and holds the door
I wanna slow dance in the living room like
We're 18 at senior prom and grow
Old with someone who makes me feel young

I need a man who loves me like
My father loves my mom


Editor: Dian R.T.L. Syam


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